
EricI am Eric and created This Must Be The Place with the aim of revealing the unique physical, cultural, and emotional layers of places.

Whether those places are cities, fictional locations, street corners, public squares — or barely noticed nooks & crannies, I will bring you stories and observations uncovering the texture of these places.

I am not looking to discover places beyond the so-called beaten path and provide travelers with tips on where to find a taste of authenticity. That may happen as a side-effect. I am as interested in the places we walk by every day, as in places thousands of miles away.

As we hustle and bustle on our way to work or do our errands, we may feel an occasional tug – it asks us to slow down, to take in our surroundings, to be curious about them…but then those thoughts flutter away as we quicken our pace in order to catch that bus.

I’ll cover architecture, history, cultural and social quirks, and nostalgic memories of places long gone or far away via a combination of written, spoken, and visual formats.

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